The Kobo Trust Foundation

domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014

Promoting and collaborating with Kenyan artists

Hadzabe of Mang'ola Association—Mang’ola, Tanzania

The Hadzabe are the tribe with the oldest DNA in the planet. Until the year 96 they had never met any humans outside their ethnic group, and they had maintained the same lifestyle since the Later Stone Age. Now, with just 700 left in the planet, this tribe is in danger of disappearing. This is an extremely big project of which the objective is to develop a sustainable way in which they can preserve their lifestyle and culture while living in peace with those around them. The Kobo Trust has created this association, uniting the 12 families left, which now owns a 10 acre plot of land. We have also provided them with an open account at a nearby hospital and a delivery of basic food every 3 months to complement their hunter-gatherer diet.

Los Hadzabe son la tribu con el ADN mas antiguo del planeta. Hasta el año ‘96 no habian conocido a otros humanos fuera de su etnia y mantenian el mismo modo de vida desde la Edad de Piedra. Ahora, con solo 700 en el planeta, se encuentran en peligro de desaparecer. Este es un proyecto muy ambicioso cuyo objetivo es desarrollar un metodo sostenible en el que puedan mantener su estilo de vida y vivir en paz con quienes les rodean. The Kobo Trust ha creado esta asociacion con ellos para la que se han conseguido unas tierras. Tambien se les ha proporcionado con una cuenta abierta en un hospital cercano y un reparto de comida cada 3 meses para complementar su dieta de cazadores-recolectores. 

Philisa Abafazi Bethu—Cape Town, South Africa

Philisa Abafazi Bethu is a womens centre in Lavender Hill, one of the most dangerous neighbourhoods in Cape Town. Its objective is to educate women and young girls in how to identify and react towards abuse and to provide them with a safehouse when they are in a situation of risk. Transport is an essential factor for these emergency situations as well as for picking and dropping off the women and girls for their different programs and workshop. Because of this, The Kobo Trust has provided them with a minivan and collaborates also with isolated needs when these appear. 

Philisa Abafazi Bethu es un centro de mujeres que se encuentra en el barrio mas peligroso de Ciudad del Cabo. Su objetivo es educar a mujeres y niñas en como identificar y reaccionar al abuso, y proporcionarles con un sitio seguro a donde ir si se encuentran en situacion de riesgo. The Kobo Trust ha donado a este proyecto una furgoneta, ya que el transporte es esencia en estas situaciones de emergencia y para poder recoger a las chicas que asisten a los programas y talleres diarios que ofrecen. Colalaboramos tambien con necesidades puntuales.

Anidan—Lamu, Kenya

The organisation Anidan consists of a children's home and a hospital in Lamu island. They provide more than 200 children with a home, food, heathcare and an education. The Kobo Trust sponsors the full education, since kindergarden up to the end of high school, of 45 of the children of Anidan. 

La organizacion de Anidan esta compuesta por una casa de acogida y un hospital en la isla de Lamu. Proporcionan con un hogar, alimentacion, sanidad y educacion a mas de 200 niños. The Kobo Trust patrocina la educacion completa, desde la guarderia hasta el final del bachiller a 45 niños.

Jenracy Center—Sinai Slum, Nairobi, Kenya

Jenracy Center and School where we sponsor the education of 70 diferent children in primary and 7 teenagers in secondary.

We also coordinate for them different workshops it courses, art workshops, private tuitions for the once who are weaker and language courses.

This children´s Home is based in Sinai Slum.